Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ahhhhhh (a sigh of contentedness)

I had a great day today. God once again blew my mind with his love for me, don't ask me how (honestly, I was just minding my own business, and BAM it hit me: God loves me more than I could ever know). Maybe it was because I was truly at rest today and I could hear his still, small voice. Maybe it was the love that passes between people in a small town, the kindness shown to a stranger that is oft not found anywhere else. Maybe it was the beautiful weather and the sun's rays peeking through the clouds (not the sun, just the rays...beautiful...). Whatever it was, the passion that God showed me today of his love for me and everything else actually made me cry. It was so powerful, so huge, so all encompassing.

Often times I get busy in my day-to-day life (I know, "#@$%@#$%, not another one of these speeches!") and forget to just relax and really enjoy God's creation and his very real presence. I am dumbfounded every time He shows me something like this; it just overpowers me.

During the summer we often try so hard to relax that we never really do. Do yourself a favor and spend one hour by yourself doing something truly relaxing in nature. For me it was riding my bike, looking at the scenery, and thinking. You know what it is for you, so do it and listen to God.

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