Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Balloon Update

So I have worked my a** off for this bloody project and it still is not working. I swear I have spent (not exaggerating) at least 48 hours by now on it. My professor wants me to do more on it because I need real data. Ok, I can do that, because they have given me a new circuit. I walk in there today and he makes it sound like I have barely done any work, am slacking, and am making everyone else do my work for me. He even said, "Everyone is working really hard to help you... This should have been done earlier... You haven't shown me any work." @$%^@%^@#%^@#%^

I am about to break. I have tests in my two hardest classes coming up, I have two presentations coming up (one of which is for the balloon thing), and two project due dates coming up. Also, I am currently failing Differential Equations, but I can bring my grade up because I am starting to understand things... if I can only get time to bloody study!

90% of my breaking point stress quota has been reached. If I hit my breaking point I am just going to stop caring, and I can't afford that.


  1. Please hang in there! Let me know if there's anything I can do.

  2. Thanks man. Means a lot to me.
