Sunday, November 29, 2009

*Sigh* history

Over Thanksgiving break I decided to try and compile a genealogy of my mother's side of the family. Luckily, people in my family have already done a lot of work in this area, and I just had to root through a bunch of old papers and texts to find what I needed. I am far from finished, but I found that my mom's side comes from nobility in England. Turns out that the reason we even came to the United States is really odd. Here is the story I copied from our family history-thingy (This happened before the revolutionary war, as James, my ancestor, was able to enlist and serve a full term of service.):

"When James was about twelve years of age he was playing with his cousin Francis King and some other boys on the King's royal grounds at the rear of the palace. the boys were having great sport with sling shots, trying to hit some geese in an artificial lake. While showing his skill James Jr. accidently killed one of the royal geese belonging to the King. James, knowing, that the English king had people heheaded for more trivial things than killing a goose, was badly frightened and his first thought was to run away from the king's wrath and parental punishment. So with his cousin, Francis King, who considered himself an accessory to the crime, the two little boys hastened to the London warfs where they found a large vessel about to sail. Stealthily going aboard the ship the boys concealed themselves in the hold and were not discovered until well out at sea. When the ship reached Boston, the captain of the vessel had the boys bound out to a ship builder for a term of years that they might earn money to pay for their passage to America."

It figures that this would be my noble, goose-slaying lineage.

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