Thursday, November 12, 2009

One of the best IM conversations ever:

Daniel: I'm texting in Haiku

Daniel: !

Daniel: Grin.png

Anthony: so you are my friend

Anthony: if only you would text me

Anthony: i would gladly talk

Daniel: k I'll wait for you

this cell phone is quite the beast


Daniel: Grin.png

Anthony: dead I have nay been

but eating cherries always


Anthony: (exclamation mark)

Daniel: I would text you sir

Do you have a Texting Plan?

I just need to know

Daniel: LOL

Daniels: Nice

Anthony: that I do my sir

250 texts free

it renews monthly

Daniel: Pigs are mostly pink

Rice is dandy when eaten

Bacon is tasty

Anthony: my pants are on fire

water should put them out soon

but i like hot pants

Anthony: i am going up

my room i will occupy

back i will soon be

Daniel: dastardly she taught

her teaching is way too foul

get me out of here

Daniel: I call it Wah

Daniel: WAH

Daniel: And I have a revision

Daniels: dastardly she taught

the teaching is way too foul

get me out of here

Anthony: her name I wonder

what class art thou in my friend

does it spell your doom?

Anthony: help I wish to lend

not so much to be a fiend

but aid will i give

Anthony: cries of pain I hear

but teaching cannot be cause

pain is nay all bad

Daniel: rachel smith it is

the western art history

much better than AAH

Daniel: Orvieto helps

the second class avoided

crisis averted

Anthony: class has not ended?

how long are you confined there?

prayers are in order

Anthony: ha, Orvieto

legendary place it is

your tales excite me

Anthony: the cries of many

the whimpering of a few

you speak for both groups

Daniel: from one until three

my bindings grow tighter still

glad to have such friends

Daniel: Tuesday and thursday

the time constantly repeats

semester ends soon

Anthony: so true are those words

better friends I cannot have

less they have bacon

Anthony: too soon does it end

my GPA is not strong

graduation? ha!

Daniel: Truly i am bacon

so in many ways i win


Anthony: my last name you spell

the syllables are correct

proud I am of you

Daniels: Grin.png

Anthony: the pig-meat speaks truth

how I wish for cook-ed pork

filling arteries

Daniel: I am logging these

a moment forever more

saved on my compy

Anthony: I am logging, too

the internet will soon see

real conversations

Anthony: how long can we go

wonder I in my free time

until we are stopped

Daniel: hour and a half

short banter demonstrates wit

i will dare to say

Anthony: a long time that is

to exercise my brain cells

they may not make it

Daniels: strong sleep approaches

i will not make it either

very sad panda

Daniel: T.T

Anthony: argument is null

Shaq is holding a panda

what think you now, friend?

Anthony: I hope you sleep well

to homework I must venture

death in its embrace

Daniel: Have fun my good friend

I hope a swift death ensues

lingering pain sucks...

Anthony: so true are your words

homework drains my life slowly

dead I will be soon

Anthony: on my blog i post

of good conversations long

true friends have I, bye

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