Monday, March 9, 2009


I had this really really hard test for Intro to Computer Systems. The class name makes it sound easy and fun. The class is fun, but it SHOULD NOT be a 200 level course!!! The class is hard as heck, but fun. I always feel really stupid when I tell people I am struggling in a class called Intro to Computer Systems. Anyways, we had this really hard test that I was, rightfully, freaked out about. I went away knowing I failed it two hours in (which is actually not bad, my friend stayed for six hours). I came to class today and he handed our test back. I got a 122/185, which, for you non-math-y people comes out to a 65.9% which is an F. This test is so hard however that he curves the grades...a lot... He told us that a 155 is about an A, a 125 is a B, and a 110 is a C. This turns my F into a B (-ish). I can handle that.

But other than that I got absolutely nothing done today....

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